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Acne Scars Laser Therapy
in Pacific Palisades, CA

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Pacific Palisades Plastic Surgery

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Acne Scars Treatment

For some, acne is an embarrassment that ends with adolescence. But for others, long-lasting scars form, causing diminished self-confidence and insecurity that can even harm one’s relationships with others.

Infections that cause acne to form result in enlarged pores, sometimes to the extent that the follicle wall is damaged. When that damage is severe enough, the infection can spread, eventually causing a lesion that allows a scar to form.

How can a person with acne scars regain their confidence? Our ALMA Lasers can rejuvenate the skin, returning it to a fresh, youthful appearance. Whether patients are struggling with minor scarring or more serious damage, this method allows us to combat a wide variety of cases quickly and effectively.

We prioritize our patients’ comfort and convenience during this ablative procedure, which has been repeatedly proven effective. The process prompts the body’s natural healing mechanisms by applying precise, therapeutic light to the affected areas.

What does that mean for our patients? Increased comfort during treatment, with the best possible results and a minimum of negative side effects.

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